As we go to bed to take a rest, we always want to close our eyes and dream right away so that we will continue our normal routine for the next day. But sleeping in an adequate time is not always the case because we are sometimes bothered by our past activities for the day that keeps our mind to continuously active. In this case, we are already experiencing insomnia, which referred to a difficulty of an individual to stay asleep as desired. Insomnia may be ignored by many, but it can significantly impact the health and well-being of a person. This is a very difficult scenario when a person will start to develop a difficulty of sleeping because it could disrupt their circadian rhythm that can change their routine. When a person develops this particular difficulty in their lifetime, their behavior changes as well as their ability to think could disintegrate in the future. The reason behind is that lack of sleep could degenerate their body's ability to repair essential tissues and nutrients.

If we are always sleeping less than the minimum requirement of sleeping on a daily basis, our body may not be able to regenerate its own cells as well as other tissues in the body. The reason behind is that the brain and the epithelial cells in the body fail to completely regenerate. When we wake up in the morning with inadequate hours of sleep, we often feel like tired, sleepy, and feeling not being able to energize. Our concentration is not that efficient because our cells were not being able to cope well while we slept for a short period of time.
A napping person under a thick blanket
Insomnia makes you sleep during the day
Insomnia or also termed as a difficulty of sleeping is always a problem for everyone who are taking an adequate rest so that they can regenerate their energy. However, being unable to rest well affects mental performance to become less productive during the day after waking up. Emotional well-being is also affected because when a person was unable to sleep for at least six to eight hours a day, their brain cells weren't being able to regenerate well.

If you are working late at night or having a routine activity that needs to make you sleep late, your body clock will get used to it until such time that you will gradually feel that there is something wrong that is going on with your body.

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is referred as a difficulty having a sleep. It occurs when a person is having a hard time to take a nap and will stake awake until late at night. Some individuals will spend the whole night awake from their bed. Insomnia is a physiological response when the body has been experiencing distractions from an unstable environment. If a person is already having a frequent sleeping pattern difficulty indicates that there is something wrong physically, emotionally, and cognitively.

Causes of Insomnia:

1. Physical Stress:  A stressful event impacts the person's physical integrity due to extreme physical activity accomplished during the day. Fatigue made by a stressful event stimulates a continuous release of energy that prevents smooth muscles to relax. Stressful events create flashback memories, allowing the person to think about that moment where they experienced extreme physical activity resulting a difficulty of sleeping. A person in these circumstances is reasonable to create sleeping difficulty.

2.  Emotional distress: When a person will be involved in a conflict such as verbal arguments, it creates internal distress that causes unstable psychological integrity. It also creates flashback memory pattern, in which the past argument impacted the emotional integrity of a person to become disrupted. They would feel sorrow about that particular event and these circumstances are going to be the center of a person's thought in a frequent manner. This results having a difficulty of falling asleep.

3. Sickness: When a person is suffering from illness, the presence of illness as manifested by pain, difficulty of sleeping, or irritability disrupts sleeping pattern. Persistent signs and symptoms of medical illness are significant enough to cause sleeping pattern disturbance. It is because there is an existing infectious substance that is causing the physiological integrity to show signs of abnormality and causing the body to react unusually and creating uneasiness at a specific period of time.

4. Depression: Depression refers to a condition when a person is experiencing severe anxiety due to extreme psychological imbalance. It can be attributed when they lost a loved one wherein they can't get over with the loss of a certain individual who have been significant to their personal lives. A person with this condition is unable to release their severe frustration over a specific event, causing them to affect their sleeping pattern integrity such as being unable to sleep.

5. Shifting Schedule at work: If you are working in an institution with a round-the-clock service, you can experience having a disruption in your sleeping pattern due to the change in your shifts. This includes being moved from working from a day shift to night shift or afternoon to night shift duty. This particular incident disrupts your biological clock and your body can react to a change in sleeping pattern activities influenced by the sudden change of your sleeping schedule related to your work.

Simple ways  to prevent and lessen signs of Insomnia:

1. Eat green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables contain magnesium, calcium, and tyramine, which are perfect ingredients to cause smooth muscle relaxation. when your muscles relax such as the smooth muscles in your brain, it allows your consciousness to fade away and making you to fall asleep. Green leafy vegetables are safe to eat provided that you should wash it or cook it with other dishes to prevent infection.

2. Drink sterilized milk: Sterilized milk contains magnesium, calcium, and tyramine similar with green leafy vegetables, that can combine with green leafy vegetables because these are perfect combination to induce a person to sleep. Sterilized milk is recommended because it came from a purification process to prevent gastrointestinal irritation. This is only recommended for individuals that are not allergic to lactose or literally known as lactose intolerant, in which it is a metabolic disorder when an individual's body cannot synthesize lactose in their body.

3. Exercise: This is the most reliable action to improve your blood circulation and relaxing your smooth muscles including the brain. Blood circulation motivated by exercise allows hardened substances settled across the blood vessels to flushed, clearing blood pathways that further relaxes the brain from impurities. More nutrients can supplement your brain to function properly due to exercise because it promotes health and restores physiologic response.

4. Spa treatment: Having a regular treatment in spa helps to rejuvenate your body that helps to stimulate smooth muscle relaxation. the soothing stroke helps to increase blood flow causing our consciousness to relax and fall asleep. Facial treatment offered in spa treatment does the same by not only cleansing and rejuvenating your face but also to promote sleep by consistently closing our eyes while facial treatment is in progress. It helps our body to recover from sleeping pattern imbalance as well as regulating a biological clock.

5. Resolve conflicts: Conflicts is one of the most common producers of stressful behaviors that leave behind emotional scars, which is considered as an emotional mess to our personal and professional routine. Facing your fears, frustrations and anxiety allow you to overcome negative memory flashbacks and decreasing the risk of having a difficulty sleeping again.

6. Taking prescribed therapeutic drugs: If any alternative methods are no longer effective to improve your sleeping pattern integrity, taking food supplements or prescribed sleeping induced oral substances helps to prevent insomnia. These are chemically formulated medications that aim to induce smooth muscle dilation to work with an efficient sleeping pattern. It is a hypnotic drug that aims to control unconsciousness due to the sedative effect that it can product to a person's body after it will be ingested.

7. Consult a physician: The best thing to prevent insomnia is to consult a practicing physician. This process enables you to learn more about your present history of sleeping pattern imbalance and will be educated on how to manage it at a certain period of time. Licensed practicing physicians can prescribe other medications aside from sleeping pills because there might be other medical issues that is causing your sleep pattern to be disrupted.

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