When you are using your either personal or working Facebook account online, you may notice that some of your friends have been using Blobla application. You will notice that there are four pictures that are often used to every user on Facebook. Every time that you log in to your account, some of your friends have already used this application and then published it online to let other users see the results of their mini personality test. After viewing these new results on Facebook, you will start wondering and becoming curious about this new social media platform.

Most results are promising because users who have had already used the application revealed their true personality behaviors. Almost all users are happy to know the results of the application about their personality that best describes their existence to the world. Obviously, some are not pleased because expectations sometimes fail to meet its desired outcomes for every individual. But overall, most social media users such as your friends on Facebook are happy to know that the results made them happy after taking the exam. Out of curiosity, more friends are then tempted to try this new application to know their personality, which will be posted in their news feed after the results come out.
Blobla application on Facebook and other social media websites
Blobla is a social media application that is currently embedded on Facebook. Any user can be involved with the application by taking the test. They will be asked several questions that mostly pertain to their personality. There will be a four-letter word that will be released to reflect their personality as based on the answers to the questions. Blobla is available in multiple languages from around the world.

The social media application allow users to be asked "which word that best describes you". upon clicking the question, the answer is usually a four-letter word that will add at least 4 pictures taken from your social media profile account. Each four pictures will be embedded with one letter that forms a word. Examples are rare, kind, high, love, time, rage, oval, pace, team, mate, glam, loud, and many other words that can best describe a person. After answering the question, you will be asked to choose an option whether you will share it to your newsfeed on Facebook or not.

Blobla is just one out of several other applications offered by Facebook. There are other online applications on Facebook that users can experience while using the social media platform. Aside from testing your personality, Blobla can also determine which celebrity do you look like, which makes your profile look more interesting to other users on Facebook. Blobla can also identify which friends on Facebook has the most likes in your posts. In addition, this platform allows users to identify the part of their brain that has the more percentage of functioning than the other half of the brain.

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5 Beneficial facts of Facebook's Blobla application that describe your personality

1. Improves your psychological health: Psychology is a branch of science that deals with the emotional well-being of a certain individual. Using Blobla application is beneficial to every user's emotional health because it provides an optimistic environment to ensure that every user can have the chance to promote positivity. Promoting psychological health means that any signs and symptoms of anxiety will be diminished because it allows users to experience a feeling of being cared or having the chance to feel that they are welcomed and trusted.

2. Promotes mental health: For every individual, mental health is always important because you are always utilizing your cognition to accomplish several tasks. Blobla application helps to boost your cognition by enhancing your memory and logic. When you use some applications and features of Blobla, it enhances the activity of your brain to allow your vocabulary and logical reasoning to be activated for quite some time. Stimulating your brain enhances your language and comprehension to be also revitalized after using the application.

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3. Improves user experience: Facebook is the largest social media website in the world. There are numerous applications used by Facebook to ensure that users will always feel the quality of social media usage and features every time they are logged in. The number continue to rise because Facebook administrators want to ensure that users will always feel that they belong to the social media application by being involved in participating other features brought about by the other applications. This is the reason why users stick with Facebook as users until their last breath.

4. Increases social networking: Blobla application establishes efficient networking solutions for every user. As they publish the results of Blobla's application regarding their personality, people who like their posts, and more features, in which it sparks a curiosity among other users. The essence of social networking is to allow users to connect with each other with the help of either internal or external application. Since Blobla is using their own external website application, they can generate more networking activities applied for Facebook users.

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5. Entices socialization: Blobla's social media networking strategy is efficient for generating a more aggressive socialization among Facebook users. Whenever a user sees that their friend utilized a Blobla's applications, they become curious and then starts to use the application. This is an ongoing trend that becomes a chain networking response to keep the flow of socialization practice viral over the social media. For as long as there are users who are enticed to use Blobla's application and then published it in their social media, the networking response becomes aggressive.

Blobla is an effective networking strategy for other social media application because it stimulates connection between users. Facebook keeps this application until now because it is causing a significant benefit for its users to maintain their loyalty for the social media website. Blobla is expected to create more inquisitive ideas to strengthen socialization and communication among its users online.

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